Liberal Studies This Week

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A new way to make presentations

I just discovered a really cool tool. We've all suffered through PowerPoint displays. They are probably the most used/most hated presentations because the speaker tends to read what is on the slide and the audience tends to fall asleep. On the other hand, PowerPoint is really easy to use and busy people don't have time to put together presentations using Flash or some other more powerful engine.

But this might be an option.

Prezi allows you to think visually and to make a presentation based upon that visual structure. It's hard to describe so this example might be best - you'll find many more of them on their website.


Dan B said...

The reason powerpoints are so boring is the text should just be bulleted topic reminders so the speaker can ad lib around them and further explain what they're about. This takes a lot of practice unless you're a used-car salesman.