Liberal Studies This Week

Sharing your experience as an online student

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Radio Free Springfield.

If you've taken Media from a Liberal Arts Perspective or Computer Mediated Communication, then you know Jim Grubbs. (You may not realize it but he was also one of the professors who designed LIS 301.)

When Jim isn't teaching in the COM program, he is the administrator of our campus radio station, The Prairie Star.

To be clear, we have two radio stations at UIS. We have a traditional broadcast station which is an NPR member. If you're in the area, you can listen to WUIS at 91.9 FM but you can also listen online.

The Prairie Star is an online radio station which acts as a teaching lab. Before the station found its permanent home, it was secretly housed just down the hall from my office and Jim was always gracious to share his progress and even to let me listen in before the official launch.

So, if you must listen to the radio while you do your homework, you might as well make the station The Prairie Star

UPDATE: I received a nice email from Bill Wheelhouse, the General Manager of WUIS. He noted that WUIS is now broadcasting an HD channel - Alternative Public Radio. If you have an HD radio you can tune in to 89.3 in the area or listen to the broadcast online. I'm listening now and the recent music playlist includes Prince - Little Red Corvette, Richard Thompson - I Feel So Good (I love that album), Tears for Fears - Shout, and Run DMC - It's Tricky. That's a lot of variety and nothing like NPR:)